Emilie Autumn
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Emilie Autumn

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 Chambermaid { Enchant }

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Nice Fetishist

Nombre de messages : 39
Age : 33
Artistes favorit(e)s : MUCC, girugämesh, Moi dix Mois, Aural Vampire, Mypollux...
Musique favorite de A.E. : Chambermaid
Date d'inscription : 25/07/2007

Chambermaid { Enchant } Empty
MessageSujet: Chambermaid { Enchant }   Chambermaid { Enchant } Icon_minitimeSam 18 Aoû - 17:41

Show your face
Don't hide
Take off the mask now
Underneath is a deep dark secret
Take me for a ride
Upon your white horse
Take your love
'Cause I don't want to keep it

I am out of place
And honey you are out of Time
I'd tell your fortune
But the words don't rhyme

I'm not your chambermaid
You're not my lord
All the fine games we played
Have left me bored
I never want to see you come around my castle
'Cause I just can't afford to love you
I'm not your chambermaid
You're not my lord

Tell me what I have to do to make you
Understand it's a lost cause lover
Tell me while you're at it how it feels to
Hold me close when you've been thinking of her
I don't want to hear you say you love me
You've been gone such a long time
Won't you turn around
Before I have to see this
Face I once adored
Don't you see

I am out of place
And honey you are out of Time
I'd tell your fortune
But the words don't rhyme

You have no hold over me
What's in your cards now let me see
I hope you've got what you wanted
There's just one thing I know will never be
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Chambermaid { Enchant }
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